Housing and Food Services Purchasing
Penn State Housing and Food Services Purchasing procures all food and related items for University Park Food Service Retail Dining and Residential Dining operations, Retail Dining Licensed and Branded operations, Convenience Stores, The Penn State Bakery, the Bryce Jordan Center, Cafe Laura, and eight commonwealth campuses throughout the state that incorporate multiple venues and operation types. Food and related materials are also procured for departments external to Food Services including, the Penn State Creamery, Hospitality Services, Conference Services, Intercollegiate Athletics, Campus Child Care Centers, Penn State Golf Courses, HRIM test kitchen and other departments throughout the University.
HFS Purchasing also ensures the safety of the product supply chain through the administration of HFS’s cold chain management program, ensuring vendor compliance with food safety standards as well as administering all product safety recalls for Housing and Food Services. Housing and Food Services Purchasing supports environmental and socially responsible initiatives where viable within our product supply chain practices, including:
- Providing milk and other dairy products from the Penn State Creamery that are free of artificial growth hormones
- Implementing waste reduction practices to minimize environmental impacts where possible
- Offering packaging for specific applications that are made from renewable resources
- Incorporating guest nutrition, health & wellness programs into our procurement practices
- Incorporating specific requirements for animal welfare for egg purchases
- Supporting HFS’ PSreUse reusable container program
- Integrating transportation backhaul strategies to increase trucking efficiencies and reduce our carbon footprint
Internal Resources
Download Return to Inventory Form email to [email protected].
Download Produce Credit Request Form email to [email protected]
Download Recall Return Form
External Resources
Vendor Resources
Email your vendor application to [email protected].
Download Cold Chain Management-Temperature Data Logger Approved List
Vendor Insurance Requirements
WC Waiver-Risk Management Form
In compliance with University policies all Contractor/Supplier/Vendor, and any Subcontractor thereof, shall, at its own expense, carry and maintain the following insurance during the term of this Agreement, in amounts not less than that specified for each type. A self-insured program may be substituted for an insured program only after such self-insured program is reviewed and approved by the University’s Risk Management Office.
Such insurance or self-insurance shall be primary and non-contributory to the University’s insurance and self-insurance coverage.
The limits required for the Employers’ Liability, Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance coverages may be satisfied through primary insurance or a combination of primary and umbrella/excess liability insurance as long as the umbrella/excess liability insurance follows the form of the primary coverage.
Failure to procure, carry, and maintain the following insurance or self-insurance shall not relieve the Contractor/Supplier/Vendor, and any Subcontractor thereof, of any obligation or liability assumed under the Agreement, nor of any obligation or liability imposed by law.
In no event shall the liability of the Contractor/Supplier/Vendor be limited to the extent of any insurance or self-insurance or the minimum limits required herein.
Any self-insured retentions, deductibles, and exclusions in coverage in the insurance required shall be assumed by and at the sole risk of the Contractor/Supplier/Vendor.
The Contractor/Supplier/Vendor or its insurers must provide thirty (30) days advanced written notice to the University of any cancellation or material reduction in the required insurance or self-insurance programs below.
All insurance policies except the Workers’ Compensation must contain a waiver of subrogation against the University.
All insurance coverages (except those that are self-insured and approved by the University) must be written with an insurer licensed to conduct business in Pennsylvania and rated not less than A- by A. M. Best.
In the event the Contractor/Supplier/Vendor fails to maintain and keep in force the insurance coverages required, the University shall have the right to immediately terminate the Agreement.
The insurance requirements shall be subject to University review and approval on an annual basis, during the term of this Agreement.
- Workers' Compensation for statutory obligations imposed by workers' compensation and occupational disease laws. Employers' Liability insurance shall be provided with limits of not less than $500,000 for each subcategory of coverage.
- Automobile Liability insurance (Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability) for all owned, leased, hired, and non-owned vehicles with limits not less than $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit.
- Commercial General Liability insurance including coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury for premises and operations, products and completed operations, and contractual liability arising from all operations, written on an occurrence basis with limits not less than $1,000,000, and which must apply to ongoing operations. “The Pennsylvania State University” must be named as an additional insured.
An Insurance Certificate evidencing the above required insurance coverages, limits, primary and non-contributory provisions, the Commercial General Liability additional insured provision, excess following form provisions, and waiver of subrogation provisions must be provided to the University with the Certificate Holder as follows:
The Pennsylvania State University c/o Housing and Food Service
001 Housing and Food Service Building
University Park, PA 16802
The Vendor must provide proof of insurance before any business transactions can commence. All insurance information must be updated before expiration and submitted to Housing and Food Service at the stated address prior to the expiration of the current proof of insurance on file with the Housing and Food Service Purchasing office. Lapse in insurance coverage on the part of the Vendor or applicable agents, subcontractors, or affiliates or failure to submit insurance documentation prior to expiration of policy information on file with Housing and Food Services may result in immediate cancellation of all established or pending contracts with no recourse on the part of the Vendor. The Pennsylvania State University or Housing and Food Services will not be responsible for any costs incurred on the part of the vendor due to such cancellations.
Billing and Payment Information
Please remember that all deliveries must include the following items:
- An invoice, bill of lading, or other documentation.
- All documentation must reference the Penn State purchase order number for the delivered product.
- All documentation must include two copies.
- All catch weight items are to include a weight tally sheet that includes individual case weights, the total number of pieces, and the total weight.
- All catch-weight items that exceed the amount ordered by 10% must be approved by purchasing before shipment. Quantities above this amount without prior approval are subject to refusal.
- All pricing, pack, and product substitution changes must be approved and confirmed with purchasing before shipment.
- Temperature data logger for all frozen and refrigerated deliveries.
These practices are required to expedite delivery and minimize the risk of delivery complications.
Please remember that items from multiple purchase orders cannot be billed on the same invoice. If deliveries include items for multiple purchase orders, they MUST be billed separately. All invoices that contain items from multiple purchase orders will require a corrected invoice to be processed for payment. Please note that these billing errors may delay payment processing.
Bill To:
The Pennsylvania State University
Housing and Food Services
110 Housing and Food Services Building
University Park, PA 16802
Or email invoices to [email protected]
Payment Inquiries:
Phone: 814-863-2789
Fax: 814-863-6175
Product Quality Form